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Washington DC USCIS Office Reviews

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Washington DC USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
84 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #29486 on April 14, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Washington DC Review #29450 on April 6, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our IO was very nice and was an immigrant himself. He asked my spouse to confirm all of the typical biographic data I-130 questions, me to do the same for the I-485, asked me a bunch of the yes/no questions, then asked how we met, where we lived. Then asked what additional info we had for him. I handed him a fairly large stack of photos, which he went through, asking where they were/who was in them etc. That took around 5-10 minutes. Then I gave him a bunch of supporting documents - bank statements from joint accounts, leases, certified copy of married license, car insurance, apartment insurance, utility bills, 401k beneficiaries.

He seemed very satisfied and said "I'm definitely going to approve you". Walked us through 2yr conditional green card and applying for US citizenship in 2yrs 9 months from when I get the conditional green card. He then gave us a signed piece of paper saying nothing else was needed on our case. He again reiterated he'd approve us quickly. Tha... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #29223 on February 27, 2021:

Michael in VA

Michael in VA

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Very easy, interview took place on time. IO friendly but professional

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Washington DC Review #29167 on February 15, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Very courteous officer. We had all documents in a proper binder in a sequential order. In fact the officer at one point told me she's seen enough evidence and I didn't need to add anything else.

Was approved within 5 min of getting out of there

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Washington DC Review #29139 on February 10, 2021:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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